
Thursday May 04, 2023
#71 - Succession S4 Episode 6 ”Living+”
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 6: Living+
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) attend the investor's meeting for Living+, the new physical social media for the real world championed by Kendall Roy and his late, video-edited father. Elsewhere, Roman decides to fire key personnel because he had to commit to the bit, and a game of Bitey between Tom and Shiv leads to a serious discussion about material desires.

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
#70 - Succession S4 Episode 5 ”Kill List”
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 5: Kill List
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) hop over to Norway for the GoJo retreat, wearing our compression socks all the way there! Lukas Mattson plants himself firmly in the Roy territory as he changes his bid for ATN, causing Kendall and Roman to take stock of what they actually want as Royco CEOs. Meanwhile, Shiv has her own angle on getting at Mattson, and Greg looms like a giant Habsburg in the background!

Friday Apr 21, 2023
#69 - Succession S4 E4 ”Honeymoon States”
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 4: Honeymoon States
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) attends Logan's wake, which turns out to be a feudal battle over the Roy kingdom and fiefs! The familial heirs make a play by supporting the eldest son Kendall (err, sorry Con, would you like this castle in recompense?), while the vassals fight to ensure themselves a place of prominence under the new regime. All this just because Ken's name was on a piece of paper (it sure as sh*t wasn't Shiv!).

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
#68 - Succession S4 E3 ”Connor’s Wedding”
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 3: Connor's Wedding
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) get pulled away from Con and Willa's wedding by a phone call from the f*cky-sucky brigade to let them know that Logan Roy is feeling ill! This momentous third episode allows us the opportunity to talk about television episodes and seasons in form and function, and how Armstrong and Mylod were able to bring the shocking turn of events to viewers with maximum intensity and voyeurism. No time for Chuckles the Clown this episode!

Friday Apr 07, 2023
#67 - Succession S4 Episode 2 ”Rehearsal”
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 2: Rehearsal
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) terrifyingly mosey through the latest Succession episode as Logan gets more involved both at the office and with his family. Con is hoping Willa hasn't sunk to the bottom of the river ahead of their bum-fight wedding, and Kerry makes an audition tape which earns her a talking to from the human string cheese himself, Cousin Greg.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
#66 - Succession Season 4 Episode 1
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Succession (2023)
Season 4 Episode 1: The Munsters
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) randomly show up at Logan Roy's birthday party with the gaudiest handbags imaginable! We dive into the kids trying to steal Pierce out from under father's nose, while the Disgusting Brothers Tom and Greg adjust to their new roles in the family. Hopefully Mondale remembers our smells!

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
#65 - Gollum’s Song
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Part 20: Two Towers Wrap-Up
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) have fallen through Khazad-dûm, ridden with the Rohirrim and marched with the Ents, and are finally ready to look back at the great stories of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers! We start with the film's closing tune, Gollum's Song by Emiliana Torrini, before discussing this film's legacy 20 years on, including it's status as the middle part of a trilogy. Join us as we relive our favorite moments!
Emily wrote a chapter in In One Woman's Life: Celebrating Mary Brooksbank!

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
#64 - The Great Stories
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Part 19: The Great Stories
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) believe there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for! We come to the final scenes of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with a focus on editing - how did the film handle it's disparate storylines and cut them together? After that, it's all feelings and monologues, whether it's Sam telling us why we fight or Gollum getting his ex to do his dirty work for him! Finally we understand each other, Frodo Baggins!
Emily wrote a chapter in In One Woman's Life: Celebrating Mary Brooksbank!

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
#63 - The Hour We Draw Swords Together
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Part 18: Helm's Deep Part Two
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) ride out and meet the Uruk-Hai as the Horn of Helm Hammerhand rings through the keep, one last time! We wrap up events at Helm's Deep, from the King's courageous ride to Gandalf's triumphant return, with a continuation of the military and narrative analyses we did in our first episode on the battle. Forth Eorlingas!
Emily wrote a chapter in In One Woman's Life: Celebrating Mary Brooksbank!

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
#62 - Osgiliath is Burning
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
Part 17: Osgiliath
Manu (@ManuclearBomb) and Emily (@JRRTweetien) are besieged along with the soldiers of Gondor at Osgiliath, the military outpost defending the river from Mordor. Orcs attack from the opposite shore (whichever shore that may be!) while a Nazgul sweeps in to city. But before we do that, we look at the horror influences on Peter Jackson and how they reveal themselves in these movies. They're here...they've come!
Emily wrote a chapter in In One Woman's Life: Celebrating Mary Brooksbank!
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